Monday, 4 May 2015

Putting wood in t'hole: 30/01/15

Following on from our post about 2599's battery box at the beginning of the year, we had managed to acquire a piece of plywood to cover the hole where the floor trap had once been, and on 30 January Gary returned to cut the wood to size, in the comfort of his new warm wokshop...Tiger 1321! First he set about cutting the wood down to size to fit the hole in the floor, and ensuring it was of the correct thickness. Gary tested if the wood fitted (it did), and after plating the area around the battery box used to be, the new wood will be fitted in place and hidden with a new piece of lino. It has been a lot of time-consuming work, but the light was finally at the end of the tunnel, and once this job has been completed our attentions can be turned to the next task...the brakes.

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